Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Northern Downill Hamsterley Trail Bike Championship of the Universe TT 20th September 2015

Northern Downhill Hamsterley Trail Bike Championship of the Universe TT 
20th September 2015

The Championship of the Universe TT was finally upon us, the Northern Downhill events are awesome and the previous three TT events this year had all been fantastic. This promised to be the TT race of all the TT races so excitement was high! 
The format is a one day event, usually down a trail centre track. You are timed on each race run and your best time used to place you. A fun, relaxed day our with your mates and a great opportunity to meet others. 

This track incorporated four quite different sections. They were all so much fun and the changes kept you on your toes! The top was a flat out rooty section with some small drops, this swung into 'Odd Sox' a blue berm trail centre section which was a lot twisty fun. Coming out of this onto the fire road for a few pedal strokes then back into the wood section, dark, rooty, tight turns and a few fun technical sections before popping out onto the fire road again into the final section. This incorporated a couple of technical corners then pedal like crazy to the finish post. An awesome track and something for everyone. 
Driving over in the morning, I was expecting to be really nervous, but I found myself just really excited! There had been lots of interest on MTBChix&Trails and I was looking forward to finally putting some faces to the names on the social media chat. Sign on was quick and easy with the TT family running the event smoothly, even homemade cakes for sale :-) 

Photo thanks to Melissa Pearson

It was great to see so many women there, 23 in total which allowed there to be three actual categories for the women! Brilliant to have such a great turn out and to meet many of them throughout the day, including seeing Lorna who I've not seen for almost a year!

We got ready quickly trying to dodge the midges and headed up to the course. Practice ran very smoothly with no hassle from riders behind. I didn't feel any pressure, other than cheers from the marshalls to try and pull a skid on fire road going into the woods to win 'The Skid of the Day', not something I can intentionally do yet! 

Line choices were made and I felt happy I knew what I was doing (or hoped to do.....)

Photo by Stephen D Brian

After a quick bite to eat we ladies headed back up for the first race run, stereo typically going to the loo all together on the way! It was so great to chat to all the fabulous ladies and get to know everyone better. Some had come from far, it was others first race and a few had come to the race on their own. I hope that no one felt on their own on the day as we all supported each other. There were no egos to clash with, just a lot of support for each other. 
Photo by Zach Robson check out his work here
The count down came for my first race run and I tried to channel my excitement and nerves. I had been on the podium at all the other TT's this year, but I knew there were some awesome riders there so the pressure was on! My first run felt smooth, although I faltered on the fire road transition. In my mind I had intended to corner properly, but the slippy gravel meant the reality was quite different! I think almost everyone struggled on this transition (well that's what I'm saying to myself anyway!). 

Photo by Annie Bee

The support on the track was awesome, lots of people shouting encouragement all the way down the course, including the line of green Roots MTB shirts which boosted me on for the final push to the finish. The timing is done using chips on your arm so no dibbing or dabbing is required at the start or finish. Easy. 
As soon as you finish, you hand your chip in to be given a print out of your time and you can check your live position. I was amazed to see I'd run a 2.52 which put me in second place! After a debriefing with the ladies and some food we went back up for the second race run.

Photo by JWBT Photography

I tried to catch up the gap with Sarah Newman in first place and maybe tried too hard and made mistakes. I closed the gap by 2 seconds but was still 6 away, but super happy to take second place!! 
  • In the 19-29 category Katie Clark took first with a 2.54, Kelly Gott second and Alice Sutcliffe in third. 

  • In the 30-39 category Sara Newman took first with a 2.44, me with a 2.50 and Paula Mckenzie in third

  • In the 40-49 category Melissa Pearson took first with a 2.49, Beverley Adipura second and Michaela Tiernan third. 

For all the results follow this link
When I first started riding and racing I didn't know any other mums who raced. On Sunday all the women on the podiums for the last two categories were mums. Whoop! All the women there were amazing. Lorna raced despite it only being the 7th time on a bike this year and pulled a great time! Amelia raced despite only having beautiful Phoebe a few weeks ago! Dawn raced despite injuries and bike mechanicals, and pulled a smashing second run! Emily carried on after a bad crash. It was Sarah's first race and she took fourth! For some it was their first race, others had gone for the race on their own, but we were all there for each other, who ever we were. If you are thinking of racing but are nervous or apprehensive for any reason, try a TT event, you will not regret it.

The boys did awesome also, Brocky made his goal of coming in top ten with his 9th place, Dan smashed it and would have been there had he not had two crashes on his last run but still came 15th! Brilliant days racing and awesome atmosphere.....

Whats next........
  • Kidland ND(H)uro 4th October - said to be an intro to the steeper enduro on natural trails, looks like it's going to be much fun. Follow this link

  • Kielder ND(H) uro 8th November - entry to enduro and the course is on a red trail centre...get  entered!! I am, hope to see you there!

And looking forward to the dates for next years NDH events!

Massive thanks to  Roots MTB for the coaching and support and the Roots MTB Team who are the best guys to race with, love you guys!!

Thanks also to our sponsors Henry Armer Fitness, DC Cycles, Shape up, Southlakes Motorhomes and J F Hornby & Co

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